Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2016


☆Nannja's Style☆
Head: Meshhead Sarah: CATWA // Mesh Body ~ Lara: Maitreya
Amacci   Mesh Hair: Nilla with Color & Resizehud: @ Tres chice
Female Ears Season5 whit Hud:  [MANDALA] // IKON Triumph Eyes - Slate: IKON 
Skin ~ Bodyappliers, Snow ~ Gacha Catwa Head Applier Brooke01, Snow: Atelier Pepe
☆ Outfit ☆
Meva  ~ "Freak", Corset & Skirt for: @ Freakshow Carnival
 Iris Boots with a 30 Colors Hud: PHEDORA // Cupcake Necklace with Hud:  @ Cosmopolitan
Gacha ~  Elizabeth Glooves, White: Addams 
 Noire Antlers - It's all Meowshine (Silver) RARE //  Magical Curiosities
 Two-Headed Cat - Play (Onyx) // The Sugar Battalion (Noir): Half-Deer
Location: Vintage Romance // Pose ~ Valeria 01: Glam.Rus
☆ Thanks to my Sponsors ☆

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