Sonntag, 25. September 2016

Trip to the countryside

Location of Photographie: Harbour Cay < Pananas Home 
Pose: *CS* The 1950's ~ Single Pose & Fullscene with Probs: @ Retro Rewind
The Car: DRACK MOTOR'S Scaglietti v1.0 with Driver Hud & Color change Option: @ Swank
 Nannja's Style

Head:  Meshhead Dyana V4.9: CATWA  // Mesh Body: Hourglass, Hands and Feet:  Slink
IKON Triumph Eyes - coffee:  IKON  // Hair:  MINA~ Minea, Essentials: @Shiny Shabby
Skin: Face 'Marcela' - ST04 & slink Body Applier, Copper: Insol
☆ Outfit
Denise - Full Outfit with Dress, Necklace,Bangles & Heels: Wicked
♥ Thanks to my Sponsors ♥

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