Freitag, 21. August 2015


Wenn die Ewigkeit endet...

Stylingcard Nannja

Body & Head: TMP Deluxe Body and Moody head:  TheMeshProject
Skin: Theshops - Jamaica:  -Glam Affair-
Hair: Claudette brown Pack:  Wasabi Pills
Shape: My Own
 Dress: Provocateur - Love You Back - Purple/Magenta:  [Zanze]
Stockings Alizee,black TMP Installer:  *CPN*
Shoes: Susan Cross Wood Platform Slink Mid & TMP High Feet:  aDiva
 Owned Necklace (Gold):  :::DC:::
Come soon Poses Pic1: Vintage Love exclusive at Vintage & Cool Fair 
Pic2: Tango: Come soon Poses

Thanks to my Sponsors
Thanks Caysam for Modeling

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